UFO Origins
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
In Conclusion
The conclusion, therefore, is that while there is nothing inconceivable about visits to Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations in the past, even the near past, there is no acceptable evidence that it has happened, and the evidence deduced for the purpose by various enthusiasts is, as far as we can tell, utterly worthless.
Brief Summary
This is no place for an exhaustive review of UFO cases, but a brief summary of the facts is instructive. There is very little uniformity. UFOs are shaped like discs, spheres, cylinders, cigars, dumbbells, ovals, eggs, diamonds, cones, parachutes, tops, mushrooms, and hamburgers; all of these shapes occur singly or in groups. They range in size from a few inches to more than a mile in length, and travel fast or slow, with or without undulation, wobbles, zigzags, or sudden changes of direction. They are smooth, hairy, knobby, shiny, dull, every color of the rainbow, and some equipped with optional landing gear, wheels, tripods, doors, and windows. They are completely silent or else they hum whoosh, hiss, flutter, whine, whistle, beep, pulse, buzz, vibrate, bang, blast, roar, or explode thunderously. They stop internal combustion engines, interfere with radio and television transmissions, shock, burn, and paralyze people, and cause them to lose consciousness, or not as the case may be. In short, they are all things to all people. Since 1946 there seems to have been an acceleration in both interests and manifestations.
No Uniformity
The non‑uniformity of UFOs is in complete opposition to the necessary mass production characteristics of any civilization with technology advanced enough to visit us. Notice also the detrimental effects and the individuality of perception of these objects by the observers. Finally, notice the acceleration in manifestations since 1946 — the reason for this will be explained presently.
No Physical Means
We conclude that our considerations must, of necessity, start with the uncomfortable realization that UFOs have first no physically understandable means of getting here.
No Natural Existence
The observed characteristics of the occupants of UF0s violate the conclusions of the process of evolution in accordance to natural laws as applied as a necessary explanation for their (the occupants) existence. Also, it is considered impossible by the laws of physics for UFOs to be from outside our solar system, and all known facts of our solar system stand in total opposition to an extraterrestrial origin from somewhere within our solar system.
Not On Radar
More seriously, however, there is a significant void in Nicap's file of radar cases, despite the eighty‑three sightings it lists. There is not a single sighting by the radars that should be the most likely to spot UFOs if they were extraterrestrial spacecraft. These are the radars especially designed to keep a watch on space and to detect even tiny objects. They form a network known as the Space Detection and Tracking System (Spadat), operated by the North American Air Defense Command (Norad). Construction of Spadats was begun shortly after the Russians launched Sputnik 1, to keep a continuous count on every object in space in the vicinity of the earth, especially foreign satellites and spacecraft.This electronic fence is so sensitive that it has detected objects its small as a six inch long metal strap, which went into orbit during the launch of an early U.S. satellite.
Not In Space
This raises the important question: Why are UFOs never spotted in space by the radar network designed to monitor the presence of every spacecraft in the vicinity of the earth, but are detected only by ground and airborne radars that can see targets within the earth's atmosphere?
Not Extraterrestrial
Why? Because UFOs are not extraterrestrial in origin!Most UAOs (Unidentified Aquatic Objects) and UFOs could never possibly have originated on or near our planet.
This expression actually means that (in a case such as this), the phenomenon is "natural" to this earth. On the other hand, the suggestion that they might be indigenous to our upper atmosphere, or the immediate vicinity of the earth in inner‑space is of a much higher order of probability.
Psychic Origin
So the most interesting and productive of recent analyses all seem to be following, and adding to, Jung's conjectures that the phenomenon has a psychic origin.
Violate Physics
Some of the observed actions of UFOs violate the laws of physics -- primarily the laws of inertia. For instance, it is impossible for a physical object to be going 20,000 miles per hour and make a 90‑degree turn, or completely reverse course instantly, as some UFOs have been observed to do. But it would be entirely possible if UFOs were the manifestations of spiritual beings -- the fallen angels.
Biblical Accounts
We have drawn our extraterrestrial humanoid data from two sources: contemporary UFO sightings and historical events as described in the Bible. Now if both sources of these similar data are indeed telling us the truth, it is virtually certain that they are, in fact, talking about the same, or closely related, phenomena -- as we have earlier implied.
Objective Observation
The above footnote is from a book written by an author who is not (at least according to the content of his book) a Christian and therefore does not have "an ax to grind,” so to speak, in making this statement. His observation is entirely an objective evaluation.
Angels of Satan
One such potentially telling effect sometimes reported is a dissolving, or disappearing, of the observed object virtually into thin air -- a kind of ”switching off," as it were. Sometimes, the object may instantaneously reappear again later -- "switch back on" -- and then still later, once again disappear.
Spiritual Bodies
…angels of Satan, who, as we have before shown, are not unclothed spirits, but possess spiritual bodies which they can render visible and tangible at will.
Spiritual Intelligences
For the whole aerial surroundings of our planet are densely peopled with a hostile race of beings unutterably superior in wisdom and power to ourselves; having had during a vast number of years every conceivable experience of the weak points of humanity; possessing the incalculable advantage of being themselves invisible, though as spiritual intelligences they are probably able, not merely to judge us by our words and outward expression of countenance, but even to read the innermost thoughts of our heart; cooperating with the most perfect and never failing organization; and lastly, directed by a leader of consummate wisdom and skill, who is assisted by powerful princes, and finds his subjects so numerous, that, if we are to lay any stress on the word "legion" in the memorable narrative of Luke, he is able to spare some six thousand of them to guard one miserable captive (Luke 8:30).
Throne of the Air
For until the Devil be deposed from the throne of the air, it is likely that he will exercise control, to a great extent at least, over atmospheric phenomena.Footnotes are taken from a book written over one hundred years ago, long before "UFOs" came on the scene.
Functioning Bodies
Seeing that angels can so materialize to themselves bodies as to eat food of men (Gen. 18:8), to draw Lot by their hands (Gen. 14:10, 16), etc., there need be no difficulty in believing them able to perform other bodily functions, if they so wish.
Left Their Proper Habitation
If Matt. 22:30 be urged to the contrary, it may be pointed out that our Lord states what is the condition of things "in heaven." He does not allege that angels cannot violate that order, and act otherwise on earth. Whilst in Jude 6-7, we are plainly told that there have been "angels who kept not their own principality, but left their proper habitation;” and it is explained that Sodom and Gomorrah, in going after strange flesh, sinned "like these" angels.
As In The Days of Noah
The thoughtful, we say, will consider these facts and scriptures; and will not fail to note that this abhorrent and terrible subject is of practical moment, inasmuch as the Son of God has forewarned us that the days before His appearing again on earth will present a true likeness to the days of Noah and to the state of Sodom in the days of Lot.
Fallen Angels
If we are in the last days, the fallen angels will be more and more active ‑‑ even to the extreme extent of assumption of physical bodies and intercourse with humans. The movies Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Rosemary's Baby are a reflection of preparation for this.
Documented Correlations
In addition to all of the preceding evidence, there are documented correlations of unusual statistical aberrations, which are common to people involved in the occult, demonology, parapsychology, and ufology. Such documentation and further corroborative evidence linking UFOs and fallen angels may be found in an excellent book on the subject, entitled UFOs: What on Earth is Happening?
Spiritual Powers
But there is another correlation definitely linking UFOs to the fallen angels.It is, however, a startling fact is that the present disposal of the regular spiritual powers of the world seems to be entirely in the hands of Satan.
Rebels Against God
This is evident from the Ps. 82:1-8, as well as from the verse of Isaiah; since in either passage the spiritual rulers are stigmatized without any reserve as rebels against God.
Prince of Persia
… and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I go forth, lo, the Prince of Greece shall come. But I will tell thee that which is inscribed in the writing of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me against these, but Michael your prince.At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people.
Archangel Michael
From the whole region of the vast rebel empire there came forth but one loyal prince of God to aid him in his conflict with the powers of darkness.
God Appointed A Prince
This faithful archangel was Michael: nor is it difficult to account for his presence in the regions of air. For he is described to Daniel as "your prince," and afterwards as "the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people" (Dan 10:21; 12:1). It appears, then, that he is the spiritual ruler of Israel; and so, that when God chose a people upon earth for Himself, He took them out of the jurisdiction (Acts 26:18; Col.1.13) of Satan, and appointed one of His own princes to govern and protect them.
Prince of Darkness
Hence with fierce enmity the Prince of Darkness seems to have matched himself against Michael, and to have directed in person his desperate assaults upon the alienated principality. One of his victories is recorded in the Book of Chronicles, where we are told how he "stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel" (1 Chr. 21:1).
Israel Alone
All of the countries in the world are ruled over by fallen angels under Satan, except one: Israel. Israel alone is ruled by one of the faithful angels, the archangel Michael. If UFOs are the manifestations of fallen angels, then we should expect a direct correlation of UFO activity with military conflict involving Israel.Since 1946
Since 1946 there seems to have been acceleration in both interest and in manifestations (of UFOs).
Serious UFO research groups, who tirelessly sift, sort, and systematize reports, will never forget 1973. Autumn of that year staged the biggest UFO flap since bush pilot Ken Arnold captured headlines in 1947 with his sightings of nine "saucer like things" over Mt. Rainer, Washington. The tornadic effect of 1973's flap was to stun a nation already troubled by Watergate and Middle East crisis.
The October War 1973
As the reader probably knows, the 1973 Middle East crisis was the Arab‑Israeli conflict known as the "October War." Most persons even vaguely familiar with UFOs know that 1947 was a banner year. Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948, following much prior conflict. I did not look for UFO statistics for the time of the other two major Israeli conflicts, 1956 and 1967, but I have no doubt that such statistics will likewise show increased UFO activity.Click HERE to see more compelling facts on the web ...
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