Counterfeit Death And Resurrection

Who indeed is like the beast? No one before or after will be like him. He will have the body of one man and the soul of another, and the spirit in him will be Satan himself. In this way, Satan, a spiritual being, will be able to fully express himself in physical form on the earth but with no limitations.

The second epistle unto Timotheus, ordained the first bishop of the church of the Ephesians, was written from Rome when Paul was brought before Nero the second time. The fifth Caesar (before Domitian) to die an unnatural death, and the only one of the five for whom the numbers are corresponding to his, other than the name in Greek, adds up to 666, is none other than Nero. Nero is the Caesar who initiated the persecution of the Christians by the Roman Empire, throwing them to the lions and burning them as torches.

It is at the time of sounding of the fifth trumpet (seventh seal) that Satan, having been just cast out of Heaven and given the key to the Pit of the Abyss, descends to the Pit (Sheol and Tartarus) and releases not only the imprisoned demonic beings and fallen angels but also the soul of Nero. 

Therefore, it will be at that time that the Antichrist's body is reanimated. I am certain that the Antichrist will suffer his physical death at the time of the great earthquake of the sixth seal and also that there will elapse three days (as with Christ) between this earthquake and the fifth trumpet of the seventh seal (when the Antichrist's body is reanimated), as a further counterfeit detail of Christ's death and Resurrection.

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Copyright © 2018 by A. Christian


DLP said…
A Christian, correctly highlights they changed to worshipping an idol as if it had power.

They had turned their attention to an inanimate object and could no longer hear God’s voice.

Ever walk into a room of people, and no one notices your greeting because their attention was focused on what they were doing? In the same way, the atheist likes to say God is dead and does not speak.

Yet we serve a living God who has a lot to say every day.

Nero, on the left in this painting, was not interested in the moral values of the persecuted people opposing him on the right side of this painting. They were standing according to the voice in their innermost being.

Those on the left could be adulterous of today and on the right their damaged children. The terrorists are watching their victims torture. The abortion clinic. The rapist. The live comedy show from New York. All of them will claim God does not exist except in fables. God does not speak to them.

Today, they have blocked all moral speaking and fixed to the inanimate.